A checking account full of features.

Our Advantage Checking (Share Draft) account features no minimum balance requirements, unlimited check writing, direct deposit, online access with bill pay, MasterCard debit cards with unlimited transactions and identity theft protection through IDProtect®*. With Advantage Checking, you receive all of the above listed services and more for a $3.95 monthly fee (our members 60 and over, the fee is $1.95 per month).

Overdraft Protection is available with credit approval.

  • No minimum balance.
  • Direct deposit.
  • Online access with bill pay.
  • MasterCard debit cards.

Additional Checking Options

Basic Checking

Our Basic Checking account features no minimum balance requirements, unlimited check writing, direct deposit, online access with bill pay.

Cha-Ching Checking

Cha Ching Checking is an interest bearing checking account.